International Nannies.
Looking for a permanent Nanny? We would love to help, we will be on hand to assist your search for that special someone.
Our introductory services package consists of:
Personal consultation - we find a telephone call is the best way of finding out the role available in your home
Job advert - after finding out more about your needs and wants we will piece together a job advert to appeal to potential applicants
Ionian Collection Circulation - we will reach out to our collection to see if any of our Nannies are suited and available for the position, if need be we will advertise further outside of the collection to try and find you the right match
Applications - all applications will be pieced together professionally with at least one checkable reference, personal profiles and proofread CVs
Communications - we will happily arrange interviews and otherwise clarify details between yourself and applicants
Final touches - a list of suggested interview questions, a draft contract and a confidentiality agreement to help guide both parties on their way to successful employment. For Nannies hired through this package, we offer a complimentary Ionian Nannies membership.
Cooling off period - the first three months of employment is often a learning curve for both parties, which is why we like to offer telephone and email support for the first few months after our introductory services
Return clients - sometimes it happens... If your Nanny arrangement ended within the cooling-off period we would like to offer you a 50% discount for employing our introductory services again. If you return after the cooling-off period you will be welcome to a 25% discount.
We try our best to find you 2-4 quality applications, but if we haven’t found you the right person within two months you will be gifted our paperwork, job advert and very best wishes to continue your search at no extra cost.